Concept restaurant, 2017
The Hojaldrería´s concept is born from the product. The “puff pastry” beings in this way the ingredients and the symbolism of the interior design: butter, flour, and water. Its interior is divided into three strips that cover from floor to ceiling. BUTTER for floors and base including all furniture. FLOUR, for the next layer where a gotelé has been applied in a similar texture as the pastry cream. The pressed velvet curtains as had been put on with a “sleeve. In addition, these are intervened by images that represent that obsession with “puff pastry”. Photographs by Javier Salas under the concept I SEE PUFF PASTRY EVERYWHERE... And finally the WATER, with a strip of mirrors that reflects the color of the green roof water, a color that was certainly present in the centenary buttery. The design is modernist and is inspired by the work of the architect Adolf Loos, who revolutionized Viennese architecture at the beginning of the 20th century.
And of course, the puff pastry is present in sweet and savory dishes and is presented in unusual formats. This is part of Mr. Bonet's philosophy, which seeks to create surprising and unexpected food.
Interior designer: Paco Poccovi
Space photography: Javier Salas
Food photography: Juanita Delvasto